
Todd Tanner, a creator of, and the only developer for, 3DGameMarket, developed new techniques for extracting multiple 3D views in DirectX games and rendering them on glasses-free 3D displays. He worked with numerous makers of glasses-free 3D displays to integrate them into 3DGM and he has also created clone websites of and branded, specialized versions of 3DGM and 3DGM Video Player for these other companies.

In 2016 Todd developed 3DGM from scratch to eliminate 3DGameMarket's dependence on software licensed from Philips saving 3DGameMarket $10,000.00 a year in licensing fees. He has extensive experience with multiview rendering on lenticular autostereoscopic displays, including the development of pixel-pattern renderers and even a pixel-pattern scanning technique that can determine a lenticular display's pixel-to-view layout (pixel-pattern) using only a webcam and a web browser.

Todd has created 3D video players for the web that are compatible with many 3D displays including autostereoscopic lenticular glasses-free displays. An older version of his 3D media renderer for the web, Rendusa, can be seen on any of 3DGameMarket's supported game pages. The old version can take in 2D+Z (2D plus depth) screenshots and videos and render them in multiple output formats including anaglyph, side-by-side, over-under, and 2D. He has a newer version of the web 3D player that supports lenticular displays and runs on Blazor WebAssembly.

In 2020 Todd gave 3DGM a new 3D mod editor to help in the creation of 3D mods using the new multi-render technique he also created. This new method of extracting 3D views from games created better 3D views than the previous depth-map-based technique. It uses the game to draw the scene for each view, instead of using a single rendered view and a depth map to render each view. This technique, while more complicated, produces even better 3D.

Todd set up the store front to allow 3DGameMarket the ability to sell 3DGameMarket's products directly to consumers instead of relying on a secondary outlet that would increase the price of 3DGameMarket's products. He handles all of the Linux server maintenance and upkeep such as managing SSL certificates, OS updates, Drupal updates, database management, HAProxy SSL termination, Apache configuration, etc.

Some of the companies Todd has worked with to integrate 3D gaming with their displays and/or created custom 3D software for:
- Dimenco
- Deepub
- Liquid3D
- Exceptional
- Acer
- PSHolix

Some of the programming languages Todd uses for 3DGameMarket:
- C++
- C#
- Javascript

Todd has worked on 3DGameMarket projects since ~2012 and in the last few years he has been working on consulting, free-lance projects, and numerous open source projects which are all available on his GitHub account. He currently has 19 Nuget packages available on Microsoft's with over 105,700 total downloads. He routinely contributes to other open source projects including:
- WebTorrent
- NW.js
- SimplePeer
- PeerJS
- SocketIO
- Radzen Blazor
- NW-Builder
- ffmpeg.wasm
- OpenCVSharp
- Multiple Microsoft projects including:
- ASP.Net (link to latest reported issue)
- .Net Runtime
- Visual Studio
- etc.

Todd's favorite programming language is C# and he loves Blazor WebAssembly.
He can be reached for development projects and consulting via: